Meet Sara

Our captivating new friend.

The story of Sara

We are so proud to present our new friend Sara Herrlander. Actress, photographer and painter, Sara's work captivated us immediately and after our conversation with her we are even more enamored!

S/R: Tell us a bit about yourself...

Sara: My name is Sara and I'm a Swedish freelance photographer and actress. And I would say that these together with painting, are my main passions in life. I am currently lucky enough to have two complementary bases for living: Berlin and Stockholm. Berlin gives me the luxury of a life filled with spontaneity and surprises whereas Stockholm provides a more thoughtful lifestyle with a closeness to nature.

S/R: You are an actor and photographer and the images on your social media are so captivating. Could you tell us a bit about what inspires you and how you use these mediums to express yourself?

Sara: First of all thank you, I couldn't think of a more wonderful feedback on my work than the word captivating. Everything I do comes from a genuine dialogue with myself and my surroundings. I sometimes (especially as an actor or model) reinvent or change myself to fit with someone else's vision — but I see every creative project as an opportunity to learn more through conversation. For the first 3 years in Berlin I think I pretty much never left the house without my camera. I documented every day, every meeting and person that crossed my path. They were all part of that genuine dialogue. And being a photographer is something I never stop being. I'll sit in front of you having an intimate conversation over coffee and half of my brain is occupied with cursing myself for not being able to capture you the way I see you at this very moment.

The way you look at me, the way you look away. All of those little moments that make you you when you've let your guard down completely. This is the kind of photography I live for, transparent and real. I think honesty and curiosity might be my two greatest assets as an artist.Acting gives me an opportunity to be allowed to express and investigate sides of my mind that are otherwise pushed back or hidden. To co-create something new and step out of my own person.

I was an extremely shy and introverted child and teenager. Uncomfortable in my own skin and sexuality, with my own thoughts and ideas. I didn't speak, I didn't dance, I lacked complete trust in myself and others. So being in front of the camera has also been a way to take control of how I am perceived. And being taken seriously as a photographer as well as working with other creatives, directors, photographers somehow slowly released me from myself.

For example Bob Sala, who I worked with for this interview, was one of the first photographers that made me feel strong and confident in front of the camera. He is now a close friend and we've been shooting continuously for the past 6 years. With him there's always a new female protagonist emerging through our photos. And a slightly new life story to add to my own.

S/R: What made you connect to Semi/Romantic? What did you love about the brand or the Lingerie itself?

Sara: Well you had me at "We think transparency is sexy." Transparency IS sexy, both in life and for lingerie. To be honest I am not a huge consumer of in, I didn't have any at allI before this collaboration. When I saw your garments they spoke to me because of their effortlessness. And wearing them turned out to be exactly that, effortless, comfortable and yeah — sexy. The sustainable production was obviously also a huge deciding factor that also adds to the feeling of comfort. Comfort for the body and comfort for the mind.

S/R: Could you share with our community something you do for self-care? A ritual, food, pampering...Something that you do that is just for you, to relax or recharge or re-center yourself.

Sara: I have a habit of waking up with morning anxiety so when I need to pamper myself it's all about the breakfast. My new thing is to fill up a big tray with all my desires: yoghurt, fresh fruits, toast with Swedish (very important) cheese and marmalade, pancakes, fresh coffee, green tea, juice — you name it, it's on that tray. And then carry it out to the balcony if the weather allows and start my day slowly and gently.

Sara Herrlander Photographed by Bob Sala


“When I saw your garments they spoke to me because of their effortlessness. And wearing them turned out to be exactly that, effortless, comfortable and yeah — sexy.”


Sara's Favorite


Lingerie is an intimate thing. That's why we love knowing about the women who wear SEMI/ROMANTIC, and we want you to know us just as well.


We are very proud to introduce our new friend Maya. Yogi, earth lover, and activist. Maya's work is so inspiring to us and she really is proof that every person can make an impact and do meaningful things for our planet. We got so many tips and great advice during our talk that we just had to share it with you all.

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Meet Nastya

We are incredibly proud to share a conversation we had with our friend Nastya. Not only is Nastya a lover of lingerie she is also an amazing and inspiring photographer. When we discovered her work we could wait to get to know her, and we are so proud to call her a friend of Semi/Romantic.

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