Meet Nastya

A love letter from the black sea.

The story of Nastya

We are incredibly proud to share a conversation we had with our friend Nastya. Not only is Nastya a lover of lingerie she is also an amazing and inspiring Photographer. When we discovered her work we could wait to get to know her, and we are so proud to call her a friend of Semi/Romantic.

S/R: Tell us a bit about yourself and what you do...

Nastya: I was born and raised in Odessa, on the dreamy coast of the Black Sea. I’m a fashion photographer and styling.

S/R: We are so in love with your work. You work in analog, tell us a bit about what inspired that decision.

Nastya: Thank you. If I were to describe analog photography in one word, I would call it magic. Film continues to be a vital and expensive material that had a unique look and feel of its own. I love this nostalgia and special softness that can be seen in analog photos.

S/R: What was it about Semi/Romantic or the pieces you have from the brand that drew you to collaborate with us?

Nastya: I simply love your brand! It’s sensual, but not overly sexy. Stunning pieces with a minimalist approach. And it has that sense of the artisanal hand.

S/R: Could you share a little tip or ritual of yours for self-care (something you like to do to relax, or what you do to recharge and find inspiration)?

Nastya: Sometimes I need a day of absolute tranquility to restore my inner energy. Making time for things I love is absolutely essential for me. Being by the sea sparks my creativity and helps to reflect on photography and life itself. And self-care such as sunbathing or taking a warm bath. I love the simple things.

What Nastya loves about SEMI/ROMANTIC

“It’s sensual, but not overly sexy. Stunning pieces with a minimalist approach. And it has that sense of the artisanal hand.”


Nastya's Favorite


Lingerie is an intimate thing. That's why we love knowing about the women who wear SEMI/ROMANTIC, and we want you to know us just as well.


We are beyond excited to introduce our friend Dani. She really is the friend we have been waiting for. A psychotherapist, yogi, traveler and so much more, Dani is such a beautiful spirit. She first found us but as soon as she did we knew it was meant to be! We had a chat with Dani about her many passions, what practicing yoga means to her, how she finds a home within herself no matter where she is in the world, and of course — great lingerie.

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Meet Maya

We are very proud to introduce our new friend Maya. Yogi, earth lover, and activist. Maya's work is so inspiring to us and she really is proof that every person can make an impact and do meaningful things for our planet. We got so many tips and great advice during our talk that we just had to share it with you all.



Let's make it official.